Two weeks that changed our lives
Life is made out of many experiences. Some of them just pass us by, yet some of them leave an unforgettable memory. Such, remarkable and definitely memorable, for me was this trip to Switzerland.
When I first heard about the intercultural exchange programme which included two schools from the central region of Montenegro (Gymnasium “25.maj” and Gymnasium “Petar I Petrović Njegoš”) I couldn’t wait to send the application. After the programme presentation in school – that day finally came. I won’t lie, I was really excited while writing the application and I did my best. I enthusiastically waited for an interview, ”survived” that – and the moment of truth came. It was definitely one of the most important phone calls I have ever received. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at school, the phone rang and Jelena told me I was in! After intense preparations, 17th June finally came. We started our journey to new challenges, opportunities, and successes. I can definitely say that every second of the trip and stay in Switzerland was valuable.
I got the chance to live with 40 people whom I did not know before. And no, it’s not scary at all. As the matter of fact, it was wonderful. During the workshops we learned to trust to each other, to overcome stereotypes and to share everything. I am not using the phrase – sharing good and bad- without any meaning. We literally shared house, food, clothes, feelings. Some of us fell in love, some of us found best friends there. Additionally, we met our peers from Basel, and through conversation and joint activities we learned that our characteristics don’t divide, but bridge us.
At the very end, the people who gave their best to make this trip happen made it even better. We strolled through beautiful and that day, rainy Zürich. We visited Luzern and observe it from its beautiful bridges. We were stunned by the architecture of Schaffhausen. The Cathedral of Saint Gallen, Rheinfall and Seealpsee were probably the most beautiful destinations.
In the end, I’d like to express my gratitude to Forum MNE for making our summer break unforgettable and to tell them that this is just the beginning of our story. I hope that in the future even more young people from Montenegro will have a chance to go and learn something new. And of course to pass that to their friends, who waited and supported them here in Montenegro! 🙂
Neira Šabanadžović,from the Gymnasium “25.Maj”
- Ulica Bratstva i jedinstva 4, 81000 Podgorica
- +382 (0) 20 602 710
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